Our Products
Sorted Items
All ProductsTropical climate sorted used clothing
Tropical Assortment
Sorted items are lightweight summer clothes that are sorted or graded into specific categories by:
- T-shirts
- Pants
- Grade A and B
- Quality No.1 and 2
Buy In Bulk
Sorted items are sold in small bales.
Tropical Assortment or Winter Sorted items are graded around the world. It is graded from either American, Canadian, European or Australian raw material depending on the location of the grading facility. We work closely with suppliers of these goods from USA, Canada, Central and South America, Europe, UAE, Pakistan and South East Asia. Sorted Items are available from either the U.S. or Canada and are packed in small bales, 100-120 lbs each (45-55 kgs each). Please contact us for our standard list of Sorted Items categories. We can then work together to create the best selection to meet your requirements.