World Nature Conservation Day

world nature conservation day

The purpose to celebrate Nature Conservation Day is to raise awareness about the need to preserve a healthy environment and natural resources to maintain a stable and healthy society.

An estimated 100 billion new pieces of clothing are manufactured every year, which means that the textile industry is responsible for 4% of greenhouse emissions. If we don’t act now and stop the over production of apparel, by 2050 the textile industry would be responsible for 26% of all carbon emissions. The mass production of apparel,

  • Depletes healthy soil: Non-organic cotton farming depletes soil
  • Contaminates Fresh Water supply: dyes and heavy metals are flushed into the water supply
  • Pollutes the air we breathe
  • Defiles our oceans
  • Destroys our forests: 150 million trees are depleted for the production of cellulosic fabrics
  • Damages eco-systems

As consumers, we need to realize that we are depleting our natural resources with every new garment we purchase. We must act now. We must stop contributing to the mass production of apparel, stop contributing to the 100 billion new pieces of clothing that are manufactured every year. We must put a stop to fast fashion production. How?

  • Purchase used clothing
  • Purchase sustainable clothing if you MUST purchase new clothes
  • Repair old garments
  • Upcycle
  • Reduce new garment purchases
  • Donate used clothes
How does Garson & Shaw contribute to Nature Conservation Day?

By re-wearing and reusing clothing, we save precious natural resources, reduce pollution, and keep waste out of landfills. Every item of clothing saved is good for our planet. Garson & Shaw is committed to environmental stewardship through textile reuse and recycling. We are proud to be leaders in the industry, and we actively work to raise awareness about the environmental benefits of secondhand clothing.

Reusing just one t-shirt, instead of buying new, saves 700 gallons of water and many pounds of chemical pesticides that pollute the environment.

