how to have a sustainable thanksgiving

Ideas for a Sustainable Thanksgiving

how to have a sustainable thanksgiving

How can you have a Sustainable Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is coming up in less than a week. Unbelievable.
As you plan for your Thanksgiving celebrations we want to encourage you to have a sustainable Thanksgiving celebration.

What does it mean when we say ” Sustainable Thanksgiving “?

Here are some tips:

  1. Avoid making too much food- know how many are attending and plan accordingly, food waste during thanksgiving week is ridiculous every year.
  2. Use reusable food containers- plan ahead and use heating and left-over containers that are reusable and not disposable
  3. Make feast dishes from scratch- Approximately 83 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from food come from its production. The less prepared and packaged food you buy, the lower your carbon footprint.
  4. Use ingredients already in your pantry- prepare recipes with ingredients that are already in your pantry, that way you clean out your pantry and food wont eventually end up as waste for lack of use.
  5. Make smaller portions- the yearly mashed potatoes that can feed a crowd for days, make half of that.
  6. Purchase local and/or organic- The closer your food is grown, the lower the environmental impact of what you eat.
  7. Purchase in bulk- packaging waste is reduced when buying in bulk
  8. Avoid produce bags- use your reusable bags when shopping for the items missing in your recipe
  9. Stick to shopping list- avoid buying in impulse, which can easily lead to food waste










